Smart pointers, the way I see it, are there to help you with, eventually, two things: saving memory and auto-destruction. There are plenty kinds of smart pointers and only one type of a dumb pointer ;) I am going talk about the one that keeps a reference count to the data. To me they are one of the most important and useful classes I have used in my code. Also the AutoResource class I posted about, here, is another type of a smart pointer. I fell in love with smart pointers as soon as I learnt about them long time ago. However I only happened to write the implementation for this concept only once, in some real product code. Most of the times I got to use libraries that supply them, like ATL and stuff. Of course, when we write code in high level languages like Python, C#, Java, etc. We are not even aware to the internal use of them, mostly anyway.
This topic is not new or anything, it is covered widely on the net, but I felt the need to share a small code snippet with my own implementation, which I wrote from scratch. It seems that in order to write this class you don’t need high skills in C++, not at all. Though if you wanna get dirty with some end cases, like the ones described in ‘More Effective c++’, you need to know the language pretty well.
As I said earlier, the smart pointer concept I’m talking about here is the one that keeps the number of references to the real instance of the object and eventually when all references are gone, it will simply delete the only real instance. Another requirement from this class is to behave like a dumb pointer (that’s just the normal pointer the language supplies), my implementation is not as perfect as the dumb pointer, in the essence of operators and the operations you can apply on the pointer. But I think for the most code usages, it will be just enough. It can be always extended, and besides if you really need a crazy ultra generic smart pointer, Boost is waiting for you.
In order to keep a reference count for the instance, we need to allocate that variable, also the instance itself, and to make sure they won’t go anywhere as long as somebody else still points to it. The catch is that if it will be a member of the SmartPointer class itself, it will die when the SmartPointer instance goes out of scope. Therefore it has to be a pointer to another object, which will hold the number of references and the real instance. Then a few smart pointers will be able to point to this core object that holds the real stuff. I think this was the only challenge in understanding how it works. The rest is a few more lines to add functionality to get the pointer, copy constructor, assignment operator and stuff.
Of course, it requires a template class, I didn’t even mention that once, because I think it’s obvious.
Here are the classes:
template class SmartPtr {
SmartPtr(T o)
// Notice we create a DataObject that gets an object of type T.
m_Obj = new DataObj(o);
// ... A few of additional small methods are absent from this snippet, check link below
// Now, here we define an internal class, which holds the reference count and the real object's instance.
class DataObj {
DataObj(T o) : m_ReferenceCount(0)
m_Ptr = new T(o); // First allocate, this time the real deal
AddRef(); // And only then add the first reference count
unsigned int AddRef()
{ return m_ReferenceCount++; }
void Release()
if (--m_ReferenceCount == 0) {
delete m_Ptr; // Delete the instance
delete this; // Delete the DataObj instance too
T* m_Ptr; // Pointer to a single instance of T
unsigned int m_ReferenceCount; // Number of references to the instance
// This is now part of the SmartPointer class itself, you see? It points the DataObj and not T !
DataObj* m_Obj;
To see the full source code get it SmartPointer.txt.
I didn’t show it in the snippet above but the assignment operator or copy constructor which get a right hand of a smart pointer class, will simply copy the m_Ptr from it and add a reference to it. And by that, the ‘magic’ was done.
To support multi-thread accesses to the class, you simply need to change the AddRef method to use InterlockedAdd. And to change the Release to use InterlockedSub, ahh of course, use InterlockedAdd with -1.
And then you would be fully thread safe. Also note that you will need to use the returned value of the InterlockedAdd in the Release, rather than compare the value directly after calling the function on it. This is a common bug when writing multi-thread code. Note that if the type object you want to create using the SmartPointer doesn’t support multi-threading in the first place, nothing you can do in the smart pointer method themselves is going to solve it, of course.
I didn’t show it in the snippet again but the code supports the comparison to NULL on the SmartPointer variable. Though you won’t be able to check something like:
if (!MySmartPtr) fail… It will shout at you that the operator ! is not supported. It takes exactly 3 lines to add it.
The only problem with this implementation is that you can write back to the data directly after getting the pointer to it. For me this is not a problem cause I never do that. But if you feel it’s not good enough for you, for some reason. Check out other implementations or just read the book I mentioned earlier.
Overall it’s really a small class that gives a lot. Joy
If I read your code correctly, the only way you accept a a new SmartPointer is when you create a new instance of the T object out of a existing “template” of what that object should be (most likely, something prepared on the stack).
That sounds like an important limitation to me, but I guess that’s all parameters passing do allow … To what extent is it possible to build an object T_initialiser that captures any parameters list (e.g., through va_args) and then having
m_Obj = new T(T_initialiser ti)
if (–m_ReferenceCount == 0) {
should be:
if (-–m_ReferenceCount == 0) {